Overview – Epoch2020: Time Rebirth and Iconology

Bound by Duty: An idea of Swaraj and Collectiveness 2018-19
Re-opens at India International Centre September 14-17, 2019
and Jehangir art gallery November 26- December 3, 2019

‘It is Swaraj when we learn to rule ourselves- MK Gandhi

These works titled Bound by duty: An Idea of Swaraj and Collectiveness are inspired by Gandhi’s seminal anti-imperialist text Hind Swaraj written in 1909. This exhibition examines elements of Gandhi’s critique of modern civilisation, noting his emphasis on an evolved ethical and spiritual self for creating an alternative perspective of a better world. To bring social revolutions for creating peaceful societies, the idea of self-rule or self-control needs to be experienced uniquely by each individual. Individuals who have harnessed their inner strength can move mountains.

Shelly Jyoti is inspired by the micro-organisms in water, such as trillions of tiny fishes collaborating together, displacing water to create oceanic currents, waves and turbulence in undersea environment. She examines the idea of ‘collectiveness’ and ‘collective impact’ that can bring about social change with evolved and spiritually self-aware communities.

These works are in continuation of Jyoti’s previous works titled,’ Indigo Narratives’2009, Salt: The Great March 2013 and The Khadi March: Just Five Meters 2016. The exhibit includes textile site specific installations, 30 new Ajrakh artworks on khadi, multimedia spoken word poetry and short film on making of Swaraj and collectiveness

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Rebirth: The Wheel of Time, 12X12 inches, Mixed media on Hahnemühle Paper, 2021